Sarah Cantrell Sarah Cantrell

Caring for Aging Parents

There are important steps you can take to help your aging parents find health care and living assistance, and to secure financing for the cost of the care.

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Sarah Cantrell Sarah Cantrell

How to Manage Your 401(k) When You Switch Jobs

Changing jobs introduces a new dilemma for people, regardless of why or how often they do so: what to do with the 401(k) account they had with their former employer. Should they consider taking the cash distribution, or could there be a better choice?

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Sarah Cantrell Sarah Cantrell

Eliminate the Guesswork: Creating an estate plan is a key component of achieving financial wellness

Most people don’t spend too much time thinking about end-of-life planning on a daily basis. But you may have loved ones who will soon face those issues. While it’s not pleasant to think about, you may be the one who ends up having to sort out their affairs. In addition, there will come a time when you need to think about yourself and your own family.

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Sarah Cantrell Sarah Cantrell

Appetite for Risk

Investing is a risky business. Understanding the different types of investment risk and the impacts they play on returns is critical for planning a successful, long-term investment strategy.

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Sarah Cantrell Sarah Cantrell

Budgeting for a Family

If you’re expecting your first child, establishing a budget that includes your growing list of expenses is important for helping you manage your finances.

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